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青い人生相談 by Chip Eckton #06



Are we apes through western eyes?

Can these rock 'n' roll monkeys make music?





To properly deal with a subject of this magnitude I'd probably have to write a book (2 books actually, one dealing exclusively with the music questions). In order to do justice to your questions I'd have to do a great deal of research, conduct interviews, etc., and synthesize my findings into a coherent whole. However, you asked me and I am just one man. I will do my best within the limitations of this column to tell you honestly how I see things and to relate my perception of how Japanese and Japanese rock music are regarded based on my experience and my observations.

Because of space and time restrictions, I'm going to confine my remarks to the way Japanese are perceived, rather than deal with the whole of Asia. Attitudes towards, for instance, Filipinos and North Koreans would be expected to vary widely. At the same time of course, there are probably plenty of Westerners who wouldn't know the difference between a Filipino and a North Korean (or a Japanese for that matter). Also, because I am a product of American culture, I can't give a very authoritative assessment of how Japanese are regarded through non-American Western eyes. A Frenchman or an Italian may have the same or completely different viewpoints. My own perspective is somewhat biased due to the fact that, having worked for Japanese companies and having numerous Japanese friends, I have probably been exposed to more Japanese people (as opposed to depictions of Japanese in the media and popular culture) than the average American.




I honestly do not think that most Americans look down on Japanese. There are racists here to be sure, but I don't think they are in the majority. Much of what you describe is more accurately attributable to nationalism rather than racism. Nationalism exists to some extent in all countries. There are plenty of Japanese who believe that Japan is superior to all other countries too. Bush stresses U.S. superiority in his speeches largely because he sees that as part of his job. There are many Americans, and I proudly count myself among them, who feel that Bush is an idiot. Historically, Presidential speeches have always sung the praises of America. Sadly Bush knows no other tune. If you listen to his speeches too closely or too often you will lose brain cells.

The rise of nationalism in the U.S. is a disturbing trend, but it is not a sign of cultural strength but of cultural weakness. If a culture is indeed superior to all others it is not necessary to go around proclaiming that superiority, if it is true it will already be obvious to everyone. Still, if you perceive it as a racial issue it is worth examining the question from that perspective.




Prior to World War II, I don't think most Americans gave much thought or had much exposure to Japan. At that time Japanese were largely thought of as part of the indistinguishable mass of Asians (or Orientals, as they would have been called then). The predominant archetypes for the "Oriental" in popular culture were the Yellow Peril (best represented by a Chinese character, Fu Manchu - a fiendish criminal mastermind) and the benevolent and wise Oriental Detective (as represented by Charlie Chan, another Chinese, or Mr. Moto). Neither of these character types were at all representative of the average Asian, but outside of large cities the average American had little or no contact with actual Asian people. Of course there was plenty of racism, as there always is when there is ignorance. Racism is a result of ignorance. Interestingly, though, there was one well-known Japanese star of American films in the 1910s and 1920s, Sessue Hayakawa. While he often portrayed non-Japanese Asian characters, he was not limited only to villainous roles.

During the war Japanese were demonized and Japanese-Americans were forced to put up with a considerable amount of discrimination and indignity. Largely due to the unique relationship between Japan and the U.S. in the immediate post-war years, I don't think that the anti-Japanese propaganda that flooded the culture during the war took root very deeply. A lot of this also had to do with grudging respect for Japanese tenacity during the war and the ever more obvious technological prowess of the Japanese.






I think that Americans born after the war exhibited much less anti-Japanese bias. The inroads made by Japanese popular culture in the U.S. during the 1960s and 1970s (e.g. Godzilla, Astro Boy, Speed Racer, Ultra Man, etc.), while limited in comparison to the situation today, had some effect on the attitudes of those who came of age during those decades as well. Of course this material gave a very skewed idea of what Japanese are like, but it did increase interest in Japan among those who enjoyed this sort of thing. This effect can be seen today to an even greater degree due to the ever-increasing popularity of Japanese anime and computer/video games.

This does not mean that there is no bias against Japanese, or Asians in general, in the U.S. While there are plenty of Asian-Americans, they are a relatively small minority in the U.S. as compared to African-Americans or Latinos. Because Caucasians are the dominant race, Asians are seen as different. The physical differences are obvious and undeniable. How that differentness is interpreted varies according to the individual.

In my case, I like to think that I approach everyone I meet with appreciation for his or her human qualities regardless of race. It isn't for me to judge how successful I am, but I find that the Japanese people I know are generally very interesting & easy to get along with, and I count a number of Japanese among my closest friends.

On the other hand, I recently met and spent an afternoon with a (Caucasian) fellow who, when the subject of Japanese people was brought up, said he didn't like "slant-eyed people." Personally, I was rather shocked to learn that anyone his age (he was around 30) should have such an attitude and as a result I haven't spent any time with him since. When I asked why he felt that way he said something about the way they treated prisoners of war. This guy came from a very conservative, rural background, is not well-read, probably doesn't know any Asians personally and has certainly never participated in any wars. Still he got that attitude somewhere - a war movie perhaps, or his grandfather's war stories, or maybe he was thinking of the Vietnam war and doesn't know the difference between Japanese and Vietnamese. Personally I don't think his prejudice has anything to do with the war, but he used that as a justification for hating someone different than himself. But if that sort of bias exists in him, it exists in others as well.




Attitudes towards Japanese fluctuate with current events too. If you look back to the 1980s and 1990s with Japanese technological supremacy, the Japanese "bubble economy," Japanese corporate takeovers of American companies, etc., there were plenty of books and newspaper editorials warning of the danger to America. It was the Yellow Peril all over again. But the predicted calamities never came to pass and I think most Americans, even if they exhibited some concern, recognized this for the political posturing it was.

I don't think that anti-Asian bias in the West is particularly virulent. Much of it is somewhat benign. In the U.S., Asian-Americans are often referred to as "the model minority," because Asians are proportionally higher academic achievers and less likely to be involved in criminal activity than other minorities. But while this sounds very positive, those who don't conform to the stereotype can be seen as a failure to their race as a whole. Because Japan is technologically advanced and relatively peaceful, I think these attitudes are often projected onto Japanese as well. But it remains a stereotype and no one wants to be judged based solely on their racial makeup.




It is common for adolescents of any race to have issues about their appearance. No doubt it is more difficult if you perceive your race as physically inferior, but believe me plenty of Caucasian adolescents go through the same difficulties you did. Most of this is based on the constant bombardment of images of "beauty" that we are exposed to via the media. Very few people measure up to these models with perfect features that we see every day. Fortunately, like yourself, as we get older we learn to come to terms with our appearance and to form our own standards of beauty.

Stereotypes based on physical characteristics over which there is no individual control generally have different effects according to gender. Because Asian men are usually physically smaller than Caucasian men, they might be perceived as weaker or less masculine. Although it seems to me that anyone who judges masculinity based on body size (or size of body parts) is probably not very secure about his own masculinity to begin with. On the other hand, Asian women are often perceived by Caucasian men as "exotic" and therefore desirable. Of course we all want to be seen as desirable, but I think most of us prefer to be desired based on our individual, rather than our racial, characteristics (desire me, not my race).




Fortunately, as we get older we learn to come to terms with our appearance and form our own standards of beauty. But you may not be aware of anyone else who shares your opinion.





It is difficult to say to what extent this stereotyping is currently practiced. There are plenty of people who are able to look beyond race, while at the same time there are plenty of ignorant people. The same is true of Japan vis-a-vis attitudes towards Westerners. My feeling is that negative attitudes toward Japanese, where they exist, are not generally displayed very openly (except among the most ignorant). I also feel that such thinking is on the decline, particularly so among younger Americans. Barring any efforts by unscrupulous politicians hoping to gain some advantage by exploiting dormant racial sensibilities, I think that anti-Asian bias will continue to decline.

I think it is fair to say that, with rare exceptions, no culture is intrinsically superior to another. It is all relative. The perception of Western culture as superior has more to do with the aggressive marketing of Western corporate culture in the capitalist marketplace than on the actual superiority of the culture itself or on notions of racial superiority on the part of Caucasians. It is true that the standard of living is higher in the West than in most of Asia, but this isn't necessarily true in comparison to Japan. Isn't it possible that your sense of cultural inferiority stems at least in part from dissatisfaction with aspects of your native Japanese culture?

I have no doubt that there are Westerners who view Japanese culture as superior and Japanese people as more beautiful. I think the best approach is to try to position yourself as a citizen of the world and a member of the human race. From this perspective, it is easier (and more positive) to see yourself as an individual and enjoy the variety of cultures and people in the world.

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