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青い人生相談 by Chip Eckton #06










I have been living with my boyfriend for a long time. We know the good and bad sides of each other so we feel like a family even though we aren't married. I can't imagine life without him.

One problem we have, although I am not sure it even is a problem, is that we have gone without sex for a year. We just have not asked each other for sex.

My friend said that most married couples are like us and we are already like a married couple. It may be normal, but the thought of going without sex in the years to come still makes me feel lonely.

He is 34 years old and not impotent. I am 30 years old and not frigid. I am a little embarrassed to ask him for sex and I am not sexually active with anyone else. Although we have an occasional fight, we get along well.

I think I love him and he loves me. We just don't have sex. We made love every day when we started dating. If I asked him, he would probably make love with me. But I don't think that's the right way. I think that we should feel sexual desire for one another naturally.

I am not frustrated with this situation. But I feel a vague anxiety when I imagine starting married life with him with sex happening only once a year.

Should I just be thankful to be around the person I love and forego sex with him if that is the way he wants it?




You say you aren't sure if you have a problem, but you wouldn't be writing to me if you didn't think this was a problem. I think it is a problem too and you should deal with the problem if you want to remain happy in this relationship.

I truly sympathize with your situation. I think your boyfriend is very lucky to have someone in his life who is so devoted to him. While it is very noble of you to silently let your needs go unfulfilled for the sake of maintaining harmony between the two of you, in fact you aren't doing yourself or the relationship any good by keeping quiet.





Why do you wait for him to initiate sex? Try seducing him. You know what he likes, make yourself sexy and available. If he turns you down then it is imperative that you talk to your boyfriend about this. Communication is key to making any relationship work. You have to get over your embarrassment and ask him for sex if he doesn't come to you or respond to your overtures.

There could be any number of reasons why he no longer shows interest in making love with you. You say that he isn't impotent, but if you only have sex with him once a year I have to wonder how you know that to be true. Perhaps he is impotent and is embarrassed to discuss it with you. If so, there are medical solutions available. Is it possible that he thinks you aren't interested in having sex with him?

If you don't discuss these things, he may have got the wrong idea from some stray comment you innocently made, or some action you took that he misinterpreted. Perhaps he no longer finds you physically desirable. Have you let yourself go in the time you've been together? If you have changed in some way, he might not like the change. Ask him.




You don't say how long you and your boyfriend have been together, only that it has been a long time. It is true that some couples who have been together a long time lose interest in each other sexually. This is usually because they have been together so long that there is nothing new in making love with each other; there are no longer any surprises. In short, they are bored with each other. I don't believe this is necessarily normal for MOST married couples, but it is certainly true of most unhappily married couples. In these cases one or both partners might seek sexual solace in the arms of a third party. Is it possible that your boyfriend is sexually active with someone else? That could certainly explain his lack of desire for you.

In the end, it doesn't really matter what other married couples are like. You are not yet married, but you are already lonely and unhappy. Your sexual needs are important and shouldn't be neglected. These are basic instinctual human desires. You love each other, and sex is a physical manifestation of that love. If you aren't frustrated now, you will be before much longer unless you speak up. Different people have different sexual needs. There are some people who have very low sex drives. This is obviously not the case with you. Perhaps it is with your boyfriend, but you'll never know if you don't discuss these things with him.




▲クリックで「黒いTシャツ 519」紹介ページへ






So talk to him. If he is, for whatever reason, no longer interested in having an active sexual life with you, then you are going to have to make a decision. You have to decide what is more important to you: this relationship or your own personal happiness and fulfillment. Bear in mind, however, that if one of you is unhappy or unfulfilled it will have an impact on the relationship somehow or other.

You could choose to simply be thankful to be with someone you love and forego sex. I wouldn't recommend making a martyr of yourself though, as you would very likely come to resent it (& him) eventually as a result. The way I see it, you only have three other options: leave him and find someone more compatible (obviously not a serious option if you can't imagine life without him), take a lover on the side to fulfill your needs, or invest in a good vibrator.

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