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青い人生相談 by Chip Eckton #06


What can I do about my vanishing father?





I am a full-time mom and live near Tokyo with my husband and our 3-year-old daughter. My parents live in the Tohoku district far north of Tokyo. Over the past few years I have observed a steady decline in my father's memory and his doctor recently confirmed that he was suffering from Alzheimer's disease. When he came to visit my house three years ago he got lost while strolling in my neighborhood. When I visited my parents' house this summer he was happy and played with my daughter every day, but was unable to remember anything from the previous day.

My mother would like to move nearer to Tokyo. She is tired of shoveling heavy snow every winter and she'd like to be nearer to me and my sister, who lives in a neighboring town with her husband and their child, but my father fears moving to a strange place. My mother has always been very active and enjoyed going out with her friends, but she is no longer able to do such things and her heart is heavy. I have concerns about her memory as well.

My husband's parents, who live far west of Tokyo, are older than my parents. I don't know how long they can keep their health, and they worry about this too. My husband has no brothers or sisters.

It may be possible for my sister and I to care for our parents, but I'm also considering looking into alternatives such as nursing homes. I don't know what my priorities should be now and am really quite confused about it. Please tell me your opinion Chip-san.

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Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia are tragic afflictions visited upon those who have lived a long life. There is no cure, and so far there is no effective treatment for it. In a just world, at this stage in their lives your parents would be reaping the fruits of a lifetime of labor and enjoying at long last some leisure time. Life can be cruel. It is difficult to think of anything more devastating than to be robbed of all the memories you've collected over a lifetime just at the point in life when you might enjoy them most, as well as losing simple, basic abilities to do things you've done since earliest childhood. Still worse than this is that the devastating effects of dementia are not limited only to the individual suffering from the disease. Everyone around the victim is also affected, particularly their closest family members.

As I'm sure you know, in a situation such as yours there are really only three options.






The first would be for your parents to continue living on their own. If they lived far from you they could hire help to come in and assist them with their daily needs, or if they moved closer you and your sister might be able to take on some of this responsibility. Simply having someone there to spend time with and keep an eye on your father would allow your mother to have some time of her own in which to pursue her own interests.

However, because Alzheimer's is a progressive disease, the situation is sure to get worse. Even if your parents were to move close to you and your sister, because both of you have children of your own neither of you is likely to have the amount of time that your parents will require and it is likely that outside help will need to be hired.

It will become more difficult, and more expensive, for your parents to continue living on their own. Therefore, sooner or later, you will have to explore one of the two other options.











The first of these would be to have your parents live with you (or with your sister). Only you know if this is a realistic possibility. The biggest factor here is the amount of space you have available to accommodate them. If you (or your sister) have room to put them up in your home, there are some things that you should take into consideration before taking such a step.

Your father may not require much in the way of care right now, but his condition is certain to get worse in time. Alzheimer's disease can affect people in a variety of ways. Your father is already showing signs of memory loss and an inability to negotiate new environments. He is probably confused much of the time. Moving into a new home is likely to increase his confusion, as he may not know where he is and will probably be unable to learn new routines or fully accustom himself to his new home. Chances are that, in time, he will no longer retain familiarity with his current home either, so this is not an argument against re-locating him.

However, this sort of constant confusion can be terrifying for someone suffering from Alzheimer's disease and there are any number of ways in which he might express his terror and confusion. He may be docile and accepting of any care offered him, but he may also become angry or combative. If he is a very independent type of man he may be very resistant to care. Some Alzheimer's patients are also given to wandering and must therefore be monitored closely.

Because your parents, like all of us, are aging you must also take into consideration the more mundane (but still unpleasant) afflictions of old age, e.g. incontinence, restricted mobility, loss of balance, brittle bones, etc. So you have to realize that having an elderly person living at home with you, particularly one with dementia, is going to take up a considerable portion of your time. Perhaps not at first, but eventually.

Right now you are living in a nice nuclear family-type situation: just you, your husband, and your child. That arrangement will be disrupted. I think that your first priority is the obligation you owe your child to meet her needs and bring her up in the best way you are able.

In many respects having her grandparents living under the same roof would be a positive experience, even if their health is in decline. The extra time your daughter would be able to spend with her grandparents would be priceless in and of itself. Seeing her parents caring for her grandparents would also provide an important lesson in the responsibility we must sometimes bear for those who came before us. Of course she would also learn about mortality and perhaps come to respect at an early age how precious life is.

But all this would come at a price. Caring for the elderly is very demanding. A great deal of time, energy and patience is necessary. All the time, energy and patience that you spend on caring for your parents, may leave less time, energy and patience for you to lavish on your daughter. She may come to resent this. It can also take a toll on you. It can be exhausting and, if the elderly person in question is no longer of sound mind, thankless work. The physical, mental, psychological, and spiritual demands such work makes on the caregiver are great.

It is inadvisable to try to tackle such a task completely on your own. Even if they are living in your home with you, it would probably be in your best interest to hire outside help to come in and give you some relief. But then you will have to deal with the disruptive presence of strangers in the house. Many people who make a living from caring for the elderly are genuinely caring individuals, but they also have they own way of doing things and may try to impose their methods on you and second-guess your decisions, perhaps causing further stress for you. Despite this, you are very likely to find it necessary to get help in dealing with the situation.

No matter how well-intentioned your sister may be about helping you (or vice versa if your parents were to live with her), you will find that she will frequently be unavailable when you need her. Whoever your parents are actually living with will be the one to bear the greatest burden of their care. I can tell you that no matter how difficult it becomes to care for your parents, in your home or in theirs, it is unlikely that you will ever regret having done it after they're gone regardless of the sacrifices you have to make along the way.





The other option is, as you are already considering, to move your father into a nursing home or some kind of assisted living facility. This is always a very difficult decision to make. Personally I would explore all other possibilities prior to choosing this, but sometimes there is no other realistic option.

I don't know what nursing homes are like in Japan, but I do have a pretty good idea of what they are like in the U.S. and I can't imagine that they are much different anywhere else. On the plus side, there will always be someone around to keep an eye on the residents and there will be skilled medical practitioners on staff. However, while many of the nursing assistants that staff these facilities are truly devoted to providing good care to the elderly, they are also usually underpaid and overworked. Your father will be cared for, but will not receive the same quality of care as he would at home.

If the disease has progressed to the point that your father no longer knows who he is or where he is, then he may not be aware of his situation if he is in a home. However, until he reaches that point such a move could be traumatic for him. It is often the case that once a person enters a nursing home their health actually declines, not due to inattention on the part of the staff or poor medical care but because they become depressed and no longer care what happens to them. It may also be the case that your father would rather go into a home than become (what he perceives as) a burden to you.




Ultimately only you and your family can decide how to deal with this situation. I would suggest you read up on Alzheimer's disease and find out as much as you can about what sort of care is available. I think it is very important to look after our parents and other loved ones with health problems, but it is usually a mistake to sacrifice the well-being of ourselves and other vulnerable members of the family, such as our children, in order to do so. Learn all the facts, consider your daughter's role, and discuss the matter thoroughly with your husband and other affected family members. Let love motivate your actions.

I sympathize with your father and empathize with your situation. I sincerely hope you will be able to summon up the strength and patience that you will need to deal with this no matter what choice you make. You will need a great deal of both.

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