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青い人生相談 by Chip Eckton #06







I am a junior in college who will be 22-years-old this year, but I have never been loved as a man. I had no romantic involvement with anyone until I was 17-years-old. I think that I am romantically behind my peers. I often hear about others' lost loves, but I've never had a love to lose.

I wonder why other guys can date girls so naturally. I have told four girls that I liked them so far but they've all turned me down. I like a girl now, but she likes another guy. I dress well and I don't believe that my appearance is the reason for my lack of success. I just have no appeal as a man. I replay this truth in my mind every day. I never think that I may be successful in love.

I'd be glad if someone would recognize me as a man. Those who I think of as my friends tell me that I'll find someone sooner or later. I want to believe them, but I sometimes wonder if that is true. I just feel miserable and am always uneasy.

Is there anyone who can love me as a man? Will I be loved in the future? I think you can offer me an objective opinion. I know that I should believe in myself and depend on my own effort, but I also know that efforts do not always pay off. I just want a guarantee that there is a girl who loves me.



I have no way of looking into the future and accurately predicting my own or anyone else's prospects in love (or money, or health, or personal contentment, etc., etc.). If I did have that power I wouldn't have a care in the world. So neither I, nor anyone else, is able to offer you any kind of guarantee that you will find a girl who loves you. Having said that, however, I don't think there's any need for despair because I think it is more likely than not that you will meet someone one of these days who will love you.




First of all, I'm assuming that when you talk about being loved as a man you mean love in the romantic sense of emotional fulfillment, rather than the sexual sense of physical pleasure. If it's the latter you're after, there are professionals who can help you if you're unable to help yourself.

I don't think it is particularly unusual for a 22-year-old not to have been in love. Some people find love young, some find it later in life. Of course it is true that some people never find love at all, but at your age it seems a little premature to leap to the conclusion that this will be your fate.





Your letter suggests that you are not unattractive. The fact that you are attending college suggests that you are not unambitious. I think that if you are reasonably attractive and that you do indeed have some interest in life other than a desperate desire to be loved, then you should go on living your life and just be patient until you do find love. It is not something that can be forced in any case.

I can see some indications that you might be holding yourself back and sabotaging your own chances at love. One of these is your apparent lack of self-confidence. I've covered this in greater depth in previous columns, but it is worth repeating that nothing is going to turn off a potential romantic partner more than the idea that you don't expect to succeed. The only kind of partner you're likely to attract with such an attitude is someone who will use and exploit you and make you feel even worse about yourself in the end.

It is true that your efforts may not always pay off, but you're practically guaranteeing your failure if you give prospective dates the idea that you don't believe in your own ability to succeed. If you tell yourself every day that you have no appeal as a man and you believe in your heart that this is true, you might just as well give up now if you're unable or unwilling to work at changing your opinion of yourself. If this is how you feel about yourself and you reinforce this negative self-image regularly, I guarantee you that others are picking up on it and are steering clear of involvement with you for this reason.




You keep saying that you want to be loved, as though you want only to be the passive object of someone else's romantic attention. Not once to you say that you wish to love someone or be in love with someone. This suggests that you are hoping that something will happen to you; that someone will come along and fill up that emotional hole in your life. What are you offering your potential partner? If it is to last for any length of time, love has to be a collaborative effort.

It would certainly be wonderful for you if someone entered your life and looked up to you and saw to all your needs and made you feel like more of a man. Everybody wants that. If you do find such a woman, she won't stick around for long if you don't see to her needs and make her feel better about herself too.



Anyway, I suggest that you not worry so much about finding someone. Be patient. In the meantime stop putting yourself down and start to think about what you want from your partner. When you find her, treat her the way you'd like to be treated. If you treat her with kindness and respect you will increase your chances of finding a lasting love.

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