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「企画」の現実と希望についてのMEMO あるいはその他のことについて思ったこと

青い人生相談 by Chip Eckton #06


Sometimes I hope for the world to come to an end.


I don't feel like this world is for me or that I have any part in it. It gives me a lot of pain. I don't think there is any reason for me to hope for the continued existence of this world. I don't want to talk to my friends about these feelings because I think they will treat me like I'm a freak if I do. Chip-san, do you sometimes feel this way too?



I don't think that anyone with a functioning brain who is aware of what goes on in the world today could possibly avoid such feelings. Presumably anyone reading a website named "Outsider Voice" is likely to feel that they are apart from the rest of the world. So, yes, I have similar feelings sometimes too. However, I do not hope for the world to come to an end.





No one can know whether there is any reason for the existence of mankind, or if there is any purpose for our being here in this world. Some claim with unquestioning certainty that each of us was put here by an omnipotent Creator to fulfill an unknowable purpose, but for all the proof they offer we could just as easily be a biological accident. It often seems as though the individual is just a small part in an enormous machine that produces nothing and serves no function. But, as I said, no one knows anything about these matters.

The world is a mess, there is no question about that. People are no damn good - they lie, cheat, steal and kill. However it is important to remember that it has ever been thus, and that there are some good people out there too. Your grandparents may have felt the same way you do when they were younger, and your grandchildren will probably feel the same way too. The biggest mistake you could make is to give in to despair. That sort of thinking will bring about nothing good. It will only lead to chronic depression, suicide, terrorist activity, obsessive TV viewing, and other pointless unpleasantness.

I don't intend to feed you empty feel-good nonsense like "tomorrow will be a better day" or "the darkest hour is before the dawn." I'd like to think that those things are true, but chances are tomorrow won't be any better and it is likely to get darker still before we see anything like dawn. But the fact is that you never know what is going to happen next, so I think that you might just as well stick around and see what is in store. I figure that one of these days my heart is going to stop working or some drunk driver will run over me and then I'll know all about the end of existence and whether there was any purpose to my life. All that is sure to come and it will be here soon enough. In the meantime I'd prefer to weather life's miseries, enjoy life's ecstasies, and laugh at life's absurdities.




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That last, I think, is key. You have got to keep your sense of humor. You are not responsible for the state of the world or the behavior of your fellow man. All over the world people are slaughtering each other for the sake of some political or religious theory (well, really they're doing it for money - but that's a subject for another column), the natural environment has become so trashed that there is very little water left suitable for drinking and what there is of it is owned by some mega-corporation that intends to make you pay for it, 10-year old children are working for next to nothing in some poor country to make running shoes to sell at outrageous prices to people who are too fat to run. If you can do anything to change any of those problems, I beg you - in the name of humanity - to act. My guess, though, is that you are powerless to do anything about those things.

I think you'd be better off if you were able to appreciate the absurdity all around you in the world today and learn to laugh at it. I'm not suggesting that you laugh at the suffering of innocents. Rather, you should recognize and laugh at the absurd reasons for which innocents are being made to suffer. It is cynical, I realize that. But for me cynicism beats despair. Those who despair have already given up and are useless. If you are able to laugh, you are still alive and capable of taking action.




You are an individual. Yes, you are part of a larger society, but that doesn't obligate you to live your life according to a script written by someone else. No one has your best interests at heart to the extent that you have and no one is going to put your interests ahead of their own. Therefore you have got to live life on your own terms. If you are able to recognize the deceptions and false justifications behind much of what goes on in the world then you are a step ahead of most of the rest of society. To look at such things and laugh at the lies you are expected to believe nearly amounts to a revolutionary act in itself.

If you, as an individual, are capable of changing the world around you for the better then you should do so rather than sit back and complain or moan about it. You probably can't do much on your own to effect progressive change where the big problems of the world are concerned, but if you look around closer to home you might find that you are capable of having a positive effect on a smaller scale. Look around you and see what you can do. If you can't do anything at all to make the world a better place, try not to take life so seriously that it makes you miserable. If you need a more creative outlet, follow the lead of the Dadaists and invent outrageously meaningless pranks or harmless acts of social sabotage. You must be certain not to cause harm to others though, or you will become part of the problem yourself. Above all, remember to laugh at it all once in a while.



Oh, and if your friends treat you like a freak when you discuss your feelings with them, that may be a sign that you need better friends.

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