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青い人生相談 by Chip Eckton #06


I am sexually harassed.










Hi! I am an ordinary, 30-year-old office worker. I typically come across as everyone's friend. I don't know why, but I find myself frequently on the receiving end of sexual harassment and I hate it. I am sexually harassed not only by my supervisors, but also by my colleagues and a man whom I thought of as a friend. Even my clients make sexual overtures to me.

When I started working at this office, I was unsure of myself and very passive. Over time I have learned people skills to the point that I am now able to talk with most people on a professional level. I try to make conversation and smile to communicate better, but I wonder if it works against me since my reward is sexual harassment.

There are few female workers in my office, which is 80% male. Most of the other women are as strong as the men, and I don't think that they are subject to the same sort of harassment. Because I am so friendly and approachable, many of the men talk to me about their private lives and tell off-color jokes to me. Sometimes at drinking parties, men touch me inappropriately.

I try to avoid contact with these men, but I must continue to work with them and I don't know how to express myself to them. I keep things very formal between us and I ignore their phone calls and emails.

A male co-worker spoke up to my boss when my boss harassed me in front of him, but because he is also my co-worker's boss my co-worker is unable to berate him. He advised me to report these incidents to the personnel department. He also said that I seem to be the type that allows these incidents to happen because I just smile and shrug them off. I don't feel able to complain to the personnel department, because it may reflect negatively on my personnel evaluation.

I'd like to think myself bold enough to take legal action, but I'm concerned about what may result. I live in a small town and if rumors spread they may impact my family. I don't have the courage to tolerate that.

I don't think that this society has realized equality of the sexes. I studied hard at school and got a job that was supposed to be gender-equal. But the company doesn't take the differences between men and women into consideration. Some men treat female co-workers like bar girls at drinking parties, but no one makes any complaint about it. I would really like to be free from sexual harassment, but I don't know what to do besides just accept it.

I would also like to ask you, from a man's point of view, what kind of women are most likely to be targeted for sexual harassment?

I hope that your advice will help me to feel better. Thank you for your help.




It is unfortunate, but gender inequality is a condition that is deeply ingrained in male-dominated societies like Japan (and the U.S. too for that matter) and it is unlikely to disappear anytime soon. As a result women are frequently taken for granted and often treated as somehow less than men. Even those men who claim to revere women and think of them as better than men are guilty of gender bias inasmuch as they still don't treat women as equals. Because of these attitudes, men will often treat women as though they were objects or playthings.

No doubt there are remedies in place to address your problem within the workplace or, through legal means, in society at large. However, as most women know, there can be a price to pay for pursuing official redress where sexual harassment is concerned. In most cases like yours the women aren't doing anything wrong. It is the men who are misbehaving. However the men aren't going to change unless they are forced to do so, therefore it is usually left to the victim to take action to correct the misbehavior.



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Nevertheless, you shouldn't have to simply accept this situation. I think that overall you are taking the right approach. It is important that you continue conducting your interactions with co-workers and clients on a professional level. I would suggest that you be cordial to them rather than friendly. Continue being professional and polite, but withhold the warmth that comes with friendliness. There is no need to make friends with your associates. Physical cues are easily misinterpreted, so you don't want your smiles to be taken as flirtatious. If the other women in the office are not subject to the same harassment, observe their interactions with male co-workers and try to model your behavior on theirs. Don't worry about seeming too strong or un-feminine. You can adopt a personality at work that differs from your usual personality - most of us do this without giving it any thought.



Personally, I think office romances are a bad idea. It only complicates things to mix your personal and professional lives. I would never make advances to someone I worked with unless I felt reasonably sure that my advances would be welcome. I am curious about the case of the man whom you thought of as a friend. You might ask yourself why he made advances to you. Did he have any reason to believe that his advances would be welcome? Or was he feigning friendship with you in the hopes that he might get something more? If he was attracted to you and thought you might be interested in him, it is possible that he was unaware that you might object to his desires.



Many men, as you know, will make a pass at anyone that happens to catch their eye. When these men confide in you about their personal lives, change the subject and redirect the conversation to something work-related. If necessary, tell them you'd rather not discuss personal matters at work. React to their dirty jokes with disgust and disdain, as though the person telling the joke should be ashamed of himself. Causing shame and public embarrassment to the harasser is possibly the best tool you have available. When you are sexually harassed at work, object loudly enough so that others can hear, without causing a scene. The idea is being to shame the man harassing you, not to draw attention to yourself. If they touch you at drinking parties, act drunk and shout loudly in surprise. Then "accidentally" spill your drink on them. If you think that the man in question is the type that may try to retaliate against you for publicly drawing attention to his behavior, then all you can really do is act coldly toward him and walk away. This too is a good approach, but may not be enough to get the message across with all men.



I don't know that there is a particular "type" of woman who is targeted for sexual harassment. Sexually provocative imagery is everywhere and it often seems that nothing is more highly valued in society than desirability. Both men and women are susceptible to these stimuli. Women who dress or behave in a manner that can be interpreted as provocative are probably more likely to be subject to sexual harassment. But while some may suggest that these women cause their own victimization, I don't think that it excuses a man's lack of self-control in a professional situation. So I suppose you could try to dress and behave more conservatively, but that would be no guarantee against harassment. Some men will put the moves on any women who are young and/or pretty, but I wouldn't advocate self-mutilation in order to avoid unwanted advances. In short, I don't think the problem is so much that certain women are targets for sexual harassment, but that certain men who are old enough to know better lack the maturity to exercise self-control. In any case, don't blame yourself for the misbehavior of others.

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