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青い人生相談 by Chip Eckton #06


Up until yesterday I was a virgin.








I am a 36-year-old Japanese woman studying in the U.S. Up until yesterday I was a virgin. I went to a bar and lost my virginity to a stranger, and as a result I no longer want to live.

In early childhood I had a collagen disease. I was given large volumes of steroids and as a result I became overweight and have stretch marks on my stomach. At age 20 I weighed over 100 kilograms. Because they feared I'd be subject to bullying, my parents sent me to an all girls Catholic school where I was not harassed. I studied hard, but got no exercise. I passed my exam and got a full scholarship to medical school at 18. I was harassed somewhat there, but it didn't bother me much.

After becoming a doctor I found myself on the receiving end of endless and cruel sexual harassment by my supervisor. I felt out of place at any hospital because of bullying. I attempted suicide numerous times. I tried many diets to lose weight quickly, but only ended up with low blood sugar. I worked 5 times as hard as any doctor, but always faced harassment due to my weight. I wasn't treated as a professional and felt like I was used as an outlet for everybody else's stress.

My collagen disease was improving when I was 34. I could taper off on the use of steroids and lost weight quickly for two years. I am only a little on the stout side now. When I was 35 I had an opportunity to have my first sexual experience with a co-worker, but he felt sick at the sight of my stretch marks and flabby skin and he hurled abuse at me before leaving. At someone's farewell party, my boss started to talk about my body. He pinched my flabby skin below my bra and said, "What do you think about this everybody?". Then the co-worker with whom I had been involved laughed at me in front of everybody saying, "I know well how strange her stomach is." On my way home I attempted suicide again.

After I was discharged from a psychiatric hospital, I had an operation to remove my flabby skin. I felt I could no longer live in Japan, so I left many patients who were depending on me in order to study abroad.

I met a man last year whom I started to love. He is kind, and I took his kindness to mean love. He complimented my body when we were petting, though I'm not sure he was sincere. I was scared to have sex with him because I thought he might feel creepy if he knew I was still a virgin. I later learned he was married so I have been avoiding him, but I ran into him with his girlfriend yesterday. After that I just wanted to go to a bar to find someone to have sex with. I thought of him while I was being groped.

I feel guilty because I should have given my virginity to someone I love. I may have been physically ugly until now, but now I have a dirty mind too. Perhaps I should be grateful that anyone would make amorous advances to someone as ugly as myself. I'm not worried about getting a disease because I didn't allow him to penetrate me. But I let him play inside my vagina and I experienced terrible pain and I bled before I got away from him. I feel that I am nothing but a dirty old woman now.



First of all, 36 is not old. And one sexual experience does not make you dirty. So you are NOT a dirty old woman.





I don't know what precisely you did with the guy you met at the bar, but if he didn't penetrate you - in other words if he didn't insert his penis into your vagina - then you are still a virgin. Whatever he did may have broken your hymen and I suppose that because it is no longer intact you consider yourself no longer a virgin. While this may be technically true from a medical standpoint, surely as a doctor you must know that this can happen without any sexual contact whatever. Even little girls may have, through some wholly innocent accident, a broken hymen. No one would insist upon looking at them as anything less than virginal.

So congratulations! You're a virgin again. Somehow I doubt that your married friend would have objected to your being a virgin. At worst, he might have thought it odd that someone your age was still a virgin, but that probably wouldn't have stopped him from deflowering you. While some men might shy away from virgins simply because they don't want to have to worry about living up to expectations or they don't want to deal with any potential emotional fallout, I doubt that a man cheating on his wife would have any such reservations. A great many men, perhaps most men, would relish the opportunity to be a woman's first sexual experience.

On the other hand, if you persist in clinging to the belief that you are no longer a virgin, well congratulations! You no longer have to worry about hiding the fact of your virginity. Most people wouldn't expect a woman your age to still be a virgin, so I doubt if most men would be shocked by your "impure" state. You've been holding on to your virginity all this time in order to save yourself for someone you love (and who presumably loves you in return). That's very noble. However, if someone truly loves you they will not hold your lost virginity against you.





It seems to be that the larger problem here has to do with your terrible self-image, particularly as regards your body. You refer to yourself as being ugly, but obviously not everyone agrees with that assessment. By your own account at least 3 people, and perhaps 4, have found you attractive: your cruel co-worker, the married man, and the guy you picked up in the bar. Additionally the doctor who sexually harassed you probably wouldn't have done so if he didn't feel some attraction for you. If that many people have found you attractive enough, you can be sure that there are others that feel the same way.

There is someone out there for everyone. Just look around you. There are plenty of homely people out there walking around arm in arm with someone who loves them. It is true that first impressions are generally based on physical appearance, but the only people worthy of your time and love are those who are capable of looking beyond your appearance and basing their judgment of you on who you are inside. Don't waste your love on superficial people. An intelligent, professional woman, which as far as I can tell describes you, ought to have more going for her than her looks. If you are really as ugly as you imagine yourself to be, you still have something going for you that men can respond to.

You are stuck with the body you were born into. Beyond what you have told me, I am not acquainted with the physical evidence of your disease nor the effects of the treatment. You are a doctor, so you are well aware of what can be done medically to change what you dislike about your appearance. You've already taken steps in this direction by having the operation to remove your flabby skin. Are there no other ways to address your imperfections? Cosmetic surgery, perhaps? You must know that proper diet and exercise can go a long way to tone up your body and get it in shape. If you want it badly enough, you'll have to work to get it. But again, you are limited by the body you were born into, and it will be more difficult to make and maintain changes to your body's shape as you age. Do the best with what you have. What you are unable to change, you are simply going to have to accept and learn to live with.



▲クリックで「黒いTシャツ 528」紹介ページへ





None of this is worth ending your life over. I understand that your poor self-image and the harassment you've had to endure has caused you great distress and led to depression. What you need to do is seek treatment for your depression. That is the problem that you have to deal with. Did your stay in the psychiatric hospital help you at all? I don't know where in the U.S. you are living, but I'm willing to bet there are plenty of therapists around who could help you with this problem. Why not seek professional help?

I don't have any moral objections to suicide. Nor do I buy into the argument that it is a cowardly thing to do. Killing yourself is certainly an effective way to end life's miseries, but it is also a sure way to end life's pleasures. Your life is not so dark that there is no hope for happiness left for you. As long as there remains some hope, then the very idea of suicide should remain unthinkable. Get help for coping with your depression!





I've already dealt with the subject of sexual harassment in detail in a previous column (#13) and I suggest you look there for my thoughts on that subject. Not all the harassment you have been targeted with was sexual in nature. You have been dealing with harassment based on the shape of your body for a long time.

As children most of us have had to face some measure of harassment or bullying from our peers for whatever it is that sets us apart or makes us different from the rest of the crowd. Unfortunately a great many adults never mature enough to outgrow their childish impulses or to control their impulsive behavior. It is a sad state of affairs, but you can't control the behavior of others. You can control how others affect you however.

It is hard not to be hurt by the cruel words of other people, but you must find the strength to strive against allowing their words to pierce your heart. The only ways available for dealing with these situations is to either ignore the rude comments or to respond to them directly. If you are strong enough, the safest and least complicated way to deal with them is to ignore them. If you find you cannot ignore them and must respond, you must avoid physical confrontation as it may leave you vulnerable to criminal charges. Respond verbally, if you must. Do not be defensive or overtly insulting. A clever or witty response, even (or perhaps, preferably) one they don't understand, will allow you to keep your dignity and still feel better about the situation.



Finally, please stop worrying so much about what others think of you. This is your life, live it as you see fit. If you want sex, go have sex. In your work, focus on your patients and ignore your cruel co-workers to the extent that you are able. You must also end your morbid rush to death. Death will find you soon enough, and when it does you will likely think it has come too soon.

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