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青い人生相談 by Chip Eckton #06










I am a 19-year-old man who loves baseball. In the first spring of high school I was enjoying my life of baseball club and study, but I got a failing grade on my first English exam. I was shocked because I had never before received a below average grade. My classmates began to call me "idiot." When I went home, my father shouted at me and forbade me to play baseball any more. He hung the exam paper on the wall of my room telling me, "From now on, you should look at this everyday!"

Ever since I've lacked self-confidence. I feel that all my efforts will come to nothing, so am unable to make the necessary effort to study. I quit the club in the second year of high school because of my bad academic record, deteriorating baseball skill despite longer practice, and bad personal relationships. These days I only play catch with my friends occasionally.

I studied very hard after quitting the club, but always felt apprehensive and was unable to concentrate as the exam drew nearer. Sometimes I'd be studying English when I had a math exam coming up. Of course my record remained poor.

My friends drifted away after I left the club and I became socially isolated in my third year. I had poor grades, no conversation partner, and my physical strength was waning. I was depressed and missing ten days of school each month. By the third summer I was totally unable to concentrate. Quitting the club did nothing to improve my grades.

I failed both the first and second entrance exams for the national and public universities of my choice. I did manage to get a passing score for the private university, which I now attend while living with my grandparents. I started a new life and found something that interests me by studying for some official certifications for business. However I am still unable to concentrate as exams near, and am full of self-doubt. I show up to class and take notes and am willing to study, but just thinking about the exam keeps me from being able to study. I know I must but I can't.

I like reading and enhancing my knowledge. I'm eager to study, but I'm afraid of failure so I only make a nominal effort. I'm becoming accustomed to being a loser and I want to change myself.


自分のことを負け犬と思うことに、決して慣れてはいけない。負け犬と思えば負け犬になってしまう。君は高校入学前までうまくやってきたし、1年になっても高校生活を楽しんでいた。 そのとき負け犬でなかったのだから、今負け犬でなければいけない理由はない。君は失敗を1度経験した。その失敗に大きなショックを受けた。そしてそれ以来、自分に対して成功を許してこなかったのだ。


You must never allow yourself to become comfortable with thinking yourself a loser. If you think of yourself as a loser, you will be a loser. You were doing fine before high school and you enjoyed high school during the first year. You weren't a loser then, so you don't have to be a loser now. You experienced one failure and became so disheartened by it that you haven't allowed yourself to succeed since.

Your attitude and your approach to your problem are defining the way you look at yourself. Your failures do not define who you are. How you deal with your failures is what defines you as a man. Fear of failure kills ambition. You have to learn to profit from your failures. In every failure there is a lesson to be learned. Examine yourself and your study habits and avoid the mistakes you've made in the past. Challenge yourself to improve with each successive exam. Not to get top marks necessarily, but just to do better than you did last time. With each improvement you will come closer to success and with success you will regain your self-confidence.



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You say that studying for the official business certifications interests you. You say too that you like to read and enhance your knowledge. If all that is true, try to enjoy learning the material and increasing your knowledge instead of thinking only of the approaching exam. I realize how important grades are to your future, but it is even more important to learn the material you are studying than it is to get top grades.

If you want to pass your exams you have no choice but to study. Right now you are giving yourself permission not to study ("I can't do it," "What's the use, I'm only going to fail anyway"). You have got to stop doing that. By so doing, you are acting as your own worst enemy in this situation. No one has the power to change that but you.

No doubt everyone has a different method of studying that works for them. You apparently have yet to find one. If you were successful before high school look back and see what it was you were doing differently then and start doing it again. I can only make suggestions that worked for me when I was in school, but I can't guarantee that they'll work for you.




When reading assigned material in your textbook, underline the important points. If you enjoy reading and enhancing your knowledge, then reading the text shouldn't be a chore. Don't even think of it as studying. If the text includes a quiz on the material, take the quiz. Check which answers you got right and which you got wrong. Go back to the text and find out the correct answers and try to figure out why you got the answer wrong. Then take the quiz again.

When it comes time to study for the exam, set some time aside and find a quiet place to study. Turn off the TV, turn off the computer, turn off the music. Review the notes you took in class and only that material in the text that you have underlined. Ignore all the extraneous material contained in the rest of the text. If there is a quiz in the book, take it again. If you got the answers wrong, go back to the text again and find out why. Keep in mind that you will never know all there is to know about any given subject. Once you have done all this and feel reasonably sure you are familiar with the material, stop. Get a good night's sleep. On the day of the exam, don't agonize about it. Don't worry about the outcome. If you feel you aren't familiar enough with the material, briefly refresh your knowledge that morning before class. Just go in and do the best you can. If you force yourself to focus and make an effort, you can't help but learn something.



You say that by moving and attending a new school you have started a new life. Have you made new friends? Are you still depressed? If you are depressed and you haven't made friends yet, I'd advise you to put some effort into improving your social life as well. Solitude is likely to feed your depression. Spending time with other people, as long as it doesn't consume so much of your time that it begins to distract from what is important in your life, will go a long way toward keeping you from focusing only on yourself and your problems. If you are able to make friends I think you'll probably begin to think of yourself as a loser less and less.



You are capable of doing much more than you think you are able to do - most of us are. Focus on what you want to accomplish, then set about doing what you need to do to reach your goal without taking your eyes off the goal itself. Success in business is based more on what you know than on the grades you got in school. Keep that in mind and perhaps you'll be a little less apprehensive on exam day.

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